Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
This area signposts to key statistics relating to issues linked to equality, diversity and inclusion across Cumbria. This includes data relating to the nine protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, maternity and pregnancy, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation) and to the additional groups and themes that Cumberland and Westmorland and Furness Councils consider within scope of their EDI work (armed forces veterans, people who are care experienced, rurality and socio-economic inequality).
EDI Data
Statistics are broken down into eight themes on this website. Links to these themes are listed below with information in brackets following each theme to signpost which of the above protected characteristics and additional EDI groups the theme covers.
- Population Profiles (Age; Gender reassignment; Marriage / civil partnership; Race; Religion and belief; Sex; Sexual orientation; Armed forces veterans)
- Children & Young People Profiles (Care experienced; Socio-economic inequalities)
- Health & Social Care Profiles (Disability; Pregnancy and maternity; Armed forces veterans)
- Housing Profiles
- Crime & Community Safety Profiles
- Deprivation Profiles (Rurality; Socio-economic inequalities)
- Economy & Employment Profiles (Socio-economic inequalities)
- Environment Profiles (Rurality).