Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs) are a set of geographies designed specifically for statistical purposes. LSOAs have an average population of 1,600. There are a total of 319 LSOAs within Cumbria. The key feature about LSOAs is that their boundaries rarely change so they are useful if you want to monitor data over time. In recent years many data sets have become available at this level. The main drawback of LSOAs has been that they do not have meaningful names – they are a set of codes – and therefore it is difficult to know where they are without looking at a map of them.
To access statistical profiles for LSOAs, please select a theme from the list below, then in the ‘Select a Report’ drop down menu that will appear, select ‘LSOA’ and then select an LSOA from the ‘Select an Area’ drop down menu that will appear.