This section contains information about Cumbria’s children and young people, supporting the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
Key statistics for Children and Young People
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Dashboard
Deep Dive Analysis, Briefings and Summaries
- Census 2021: Briefing: Education: Cumbria and Districts
- Key Children & Young People Statistics: 1 in 100 Children: Cumbria
- Key Children & Young People Statistics: 1 in 100 Children: Cumberland
- Key Children & Young People Statistics: 1 in 100 Children: Westmorland and Furness
- Key Children & Young People Statistics: Profile: Cumbria & Districts (2022)
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Briefing: Child Poverty: Children in Low-Income Families Local Measure: Cumbria (2018)
- Maternity, Children & Young People: Data Overview (2018)
- Barnado’s: Being a child in Cumbria (2018)
- Active Cumbria – Active Lives Children & Young People Survey (2017/18)
- Women & Children: North Cumbria (2017)
- JSNA: Children & Families Chapter (2015)
- JSNA: Children & Young People Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Cumbria (2014)
- Child Poverty Needs Assessment (2014)
- Unintentional & Deliberate Injuries in Children & Young People: Cumbria (2012/13)
National and Local Tools
- Thriving Places Index for Local Authorities 2022 (Centre for Thriving Places)
- Public Health Profiles (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities)
- NCMP: Small Area Level Statistics
- Education statistics – Department for Education (DfE)
- Watchsted School Inspection Data
- DfE: Local Area Interactive Tool (LAIT)
- Department for Education – Publications
- Ofsted