The purpose of this Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is to assess the current and future health and social care needs of children and young people with a special educational need including a learning difficulty and/or disability (SEND). This SEND JSNA will focus on the 0-25 years population (up to the 25th birthday) unless an individual leaves education then this can cease.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) definition
“A child or young person has a special educational need (SEN) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her” (Source: SEND Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years, January 2015; Department for Education and the Department of Health.
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Support definition
Special Educational Needs support is the process schools and other settings use to identify and meet the needs of children with special educational needs. There are different types of Special Educational Needs support depending on the age of the child or young person. Special Educational Needs support is available for children under 5; children aged between 5 and 15; and young people aged 16 or over (up to 25 years) in further education. A child may need an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP) if they need more support than their school or setting provides (Source: Children with Special Educational Needs;
Education, Health and Care Plan (sometimes called an EHCP) definition
An Education, Health and Care Plan describes a child’s special educational needs and the support they will receive to meet their needs. An EHCP also includes any health and care provision that is needed. It is a legal document written by the Local Authority and is intended to ensure that children and young people with an EHCP receive the support they need. EHCPs are for children and young people (from 0 to 25 years) who need more support than their school or other setting can provide. The plans can start from a child’s birth and continue into further education and training . EHCPs replaced Statements of Special Educational Need and Section 139 Learning Difficulty Assessments on 1 September 2014 (Source: What is an Education, Health and Care Plan? Barnado’s).
SEND JSNA: Children and young people with SEND summary – February 2021.
SEND JSNA: Map 1 – Number of pupils [2-19 years] with SEN support
SEND JSNA: Map 2 – Number of children and young people [0-25 years] with an EHCP
SEND JSNA: Map 3 – Rate per 1,000 of pupils [2-19 years] with SEN support
SEND JSNA: Map 4 – Rate per 1,000 of children and young people [0-25 years] with an EHCP
Deep Dive Analysis, Briefings and Summaries
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing – Full document 2020
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing – Easy Read 2020
Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing – The Lived Experience of Families 2020
SEND JSNA: Pupils with EHCPs and SEN Support chapter – December 2019
SEND JSNA: Primary Category chapter – December 2019
SEND JSNA: Health chapter – December 2019.
SEND JSNA: Education and Attainment chapter – December 2019.
SEND JSNA: Social Care chapter -December 2019.
SEND JSNA: Integrated Care Community summary chapter – February 2020.
SEND JSNA: Integrated Care Community data – February 2020.
National and Local Tools
Key Statistics for Children and Young People [Cumbria Intelligence Observatory]
Public Health Profiles [Office for Health Improvement & Disparities]
Child and Maternal Health Profiles [Office for Health Improvement & Disparities]
Special Educational Needs in England statistics []
Local Authority Interactive Tool []