Health data is produced and provided by a range of sources including NHS England and NHS Digital; NHS Integrated Care Boards; health and care providers; Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID); UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA); and the Office for National Statistics. Here you will find a range of data and key reports relating to the health and wellbeing of the people of Cumbria, supporting the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.
Some Adult Social Care is provided by Cumberland Council, and Westmorland and Furness Council who are responsible for providing help to adults, and their carers, when accessing care and support. They provide information, advice and sign-posting; advice about housing; preventative services such as reablement and equipment; short-term services; care assessments; care and support plans; information about funding; advice on personal budgets; support to carers; and safeguarding adults. To find out more about Adult Social Care follow the links below:
Westmorland and Furness Council
Key statistics for Health and Social Care
Integrated Care Community Profiles
National and Local Tools
- Public Health profiles (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities)
- Local Health profiles (Office for Health Improvement & Disparities)
- Personal Wellbeing in the UK by Local Authority 2022-2023 (Office for National Statistics)
- Interactive Health Index for Local Authorities 2015 to 2020 (Office for National Statistics)
- NHS Digital
- Office for National Statistics (Health & Social Care)
- Active Cumbria
- Cumberland Council Health and Wellbeing Strategies
- Westmorland and Furness – Public Health
Deep Dive Analysis, Briefings and Summaries
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities JSNA
- Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
- Cumbria Drug and Alcohol JSNA – Summary (2022)
- Cumbria Drug and Alcohol JSNA (2022)
- Census 2021: Briefing: Health, Disability and Unpaid Care: Cumbria and Districts
- Census 2021: Briefing: Veterans at Census Day 2021: Cumbria and Districts
- Cumbria Alcohol and Drug Misuse Health Needs Assessment 2020
- Health Summary, Cumbria and Districts (2022)
- Mental Health, Suicide & Learning Disabilities across Lancashire & South Cumbria (2018)
- JSNA: Military Veterans Chapter (2017)
- JSNA: Refugees Chapter (2017)
- JSNA: Learning Disabilities & Autistic Spectrum Disorder Chapter (2017)
- JSNA: Mental Health Chapter (2016)
- Cancer Mortality in Cumbria (2016)
- JSNA: Carers Chapter (2016)
- JSNA: Older People Chapter (2016)
- Briefing: Social Isolation & Loneliness (2015)
- JSNA: Healthy Living & Lifestyles Chapter (2015)
- JSNA Health Inequalities Chapter (2015)
- Avoidable Mortality in Cumbria: A Case File Review of 78 Suicides (2014)
- JSNA: Children & Young People Emotional Health & Wellbeing (2014)